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What’s the first thing people notice about you when you enter a room?

Posture, eye contact, gestures, voice?

Is your body language misrepresenting you? 

Discover the secrets many professional actors, musicians, and athletes use to produce fluid performances. The Alexander Technique will teach you how to communicate with your body and achieve peak performance. You’ll also:

  • improve posture and spinal alignment.
  • relieve and prevent pain.
  • reduce strain and muscular tension.
  • find better ways to manage stress.
  • increase range of motion, breathing capacity, and overall energy.
  • improve balance and coordination.
  • exude a more radiant countenance and projection of voice.

Are your shoulders tight and tense all the time and you can’t make them relax? Check out the 6 week training Release Your Tight Tense Shoulders – a 6 week training.

The A.T. has proven extremely effective for business executives, salespeople, and lawyers wanting to improve their public speaking skills. With this extraordinary educational approach to movement, you’ll learn how to carry yourself with poise, grace, and confidence.

Secrets of the stars.

Celebrities like Hugh Jackman, Hilary Swank, Paul McCartney, and  Margot Robbie have used the Alexander Technique as a secret weapon for delivering award-winning performances.
Actors, dancers, singers, and musicians use the Alexander Technique worldwide. It is requisite at many prestigious schools such as Juilliard School in New York, Yale School of Drama, UCLA School of Theater, and countless others. It’s also used to train members of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra to achieve flawless performances.

See for yourself. See what THESE ecstatic customers have to say!