You have a Gift. Give It!

I was working with a client who asked me “What do you do right before you go on stage?”  From years of working on stage in dance, theater, and public speaking, I know that a thorough warm-up gets my energy flowing and my voice sparkling clear.  But, what I really do the moment right before I walk on stage is remember that I am giving the audience a beautiful gift!

When you give a great gift to a loved one, you feel eager and excited to give it to them.  There is a warmth in your heart that opens you to the other person.  There is no tension in your shoulders or strain in your voice.  You don’t need anything from the recipient and their smile and joy is what gives you satisfaction.

When you walk into an audition, pitch meeting, or interview, you have a great opportunity to GIVE YOUR GIFT.  Your words, your energy, your time, your dedication, and your passion are a gift you give to your audience.  When you are giving the gift of wisdom, your body is grounded, open, and confident.  Your voice is warm and it fills the room.  Your audience is engaged and curious because who doesn’t want a really great gift?!

In an audition, pitch meeting, or interview, people make the mistake of believing that their audience is judging them.  Many auditioners will have the body language of a scared and hurt victim.  When you remember that you are giving a gift that they have never received,

You no longer need to protect yourself

You don’t need to be pushy.

You don’t have to seek their approval by leaning in towards them.

You are more open to what they need to hear from you.

The warmth in your heart will carry your message into the room through an empowered and resonant voice.

Giving the gift of YOUR message removes any nervousness or worry that you may mess up or they won’t like you.

Giving the gift of your passion sets an example for everyone around you who also has a vital message to share with this world.  Give your gift and inspire your audience to take action, motivate your viewers to change, and impact the lives of thousands of people around the world through film, television, or public speaking.

When I share the gift of Alexander Technique freely and generously, I see dramatic changes in my clients.  I empower my clients to boldly enter any high-stakes situations with pleasure, confidence, and composure.  They feel at home in their own skin and their voices communicate professionalism and power.

Ivana Shein, an actor and writer here in Los Angeles, schedules a session with me just a few hours before she steps on stage.  Now, she is giving her gifts BIG TIME!  This is what she said about her sessions before her one woman show:
“It was an absolute pleasure to be on stage (after my session with you).  I was able to let go of the stress of producing my show and switch into my true creative mind that is in my body.  It was grounded.  I felt more available and free to have fun!  Constructive Rest and Alexander Technique have become a important part of my pre-performance ritual.  Sharon’s ability to make a performer to feel totally present, vibrant, and grounded is truly beyond comparison.”

Ivana Shein brings her one woman show “Faking It” from the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal to Los Angeles.

Faking It is a raucous look at what it takes to belong. Legally. To a country. It’s about how Ivana got her Visa. And also how she lived before her Visa. It’s about Hollywood. Living in it, living outside of it, and sneaking into it by accident.

If you are looking to give your gifts and talents freely, vibrantly, and openly, it’s time to train in the Alexander Technique.

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