Bone Deep Strength

I share this video with all of my clients.  Seeing the impact of your slouch on your internal organs can elicit a strong desire to pay attention to how you sit, how you stand, how you move and how you breathe.

It’s much easier than you think.  Most people around the New Year decide to do something about their posture which typically includes a forced “Sit Up Straight” regimen along with painstaking exercise.  The typical assumption is that good posture is a lot of work.

My clients come for a first session in the Alexander Technique and are shocked when they have an experience of their bodies that is light, open, tall, and strong.  They gain “Bone Deep Strength.”  A sense of strength that requires a release of effort in the neck muscles, the chest muscles, the abdominal muscles, and leg muscles so that the bones can provide structural support for a free moving body.

Watch “Bone Deep Strength” and then keep reading.


Gaining Bone Deep Strength and the freedom that comes with it starts with awareness, an awareness of when you hold your breath, when you slouch, and the effort or heaviness that comes with those habits.  With that awareness, you have the ability to make new choices with your body.  You have the ability to think differently about your body.  You have the power own your full height and utilize your Bone Deep Strength!

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