I have been keeping a lil’ secret from you!
You haven’t heard from me in a while because I have been completing a 6 month training in Women’s Pleasure Coaching with Regena Thomashauer, feminist icon and author of “Pussy: A Reclamation” which culminated with a 5 day retreat in Costa Rica.
I am so passionate about teaching Alexander Technique and I LOVE supporting my clients transformations from tight, closed off, and in pain to taking up space, feeling open, relaxed, and confident (I will continue to teach AT). But after the very traumatic end to my marriage in 2020 during the pandemic & my work almost completely disappearing, I had to look deep inside myself not only to heal but to EVOLVE into the woman I desire to be. I wanted to be a woman who is turned on, lit up, fully alive, and creatively free!
I knew there was more to me than posture, breath, undoing and confident presence. That work is infused throughout my life and the future of my coaching business. I also felt a strong pull to take a deep dive into my own feminine embodiment, pleasure, sensuality, and desire. This pull towards the feminine and the er@tic nature of women landed me at the lap of Regena Thomashauer, aka Mama Gena and her Pleasure Coaching Certification.
With the events of the world and women losing rights over their own bodies, now more than ever, I want to uplift, support, guide and teach women about their own bodies, their sensuality, their beauty, and the power of their er@ticism. It’s innate. It’s visceral. It’s divine. You are divine.

My work as an Embodied Sensuality coach for women will include many of the same principles and practices of AT but will also include Womanly Arts that allow you to drop into your body, strengthen the muscle of pleasure, guide you to your deepest desires, and tap you into your creativity and emotional freedom. I will be offering these life changing “tools” to women who are on stages, on camera, and sharing their art, their gifts, and their talents with the world.
As my first offering to the women or the women who are connected to the men I have taught Alexander Technique to, I am excited to announce…

This a transformative 3-part virtual class designed for women performers who are ready to feel fully alive, turned on, and creatively free. I will guide you through practices that unlock the deep connection between your body, voice, and artistic expression—so you can show up fully turned on in your art and life.
Are you already DROOLING? We are doing this in April!
For all the juicy details and REGISTRATION, CLICK HERE
You know you want to….